OWCT Tokenomics

Currently, the OWCT token supply is set to follow a none inflationary model.

With each new block created every 3 seconds on OWCT.


Total / Max. Supply: 21M

Combined DEX LPs - 3,000,000

Nodes / Stake / Miscellaneous - 470,000

Airdrops / Giveaway - 500,000

BUIDL ON CHAIN Contest - 200,000

Present / Future CEX Listings - 4,200,000

Community MEME Launch - 130,000

Development / Marketing - 2,000,000

Amount of OWCT to be Locked for Future Fundraising and growth is 10,500,000. This token lock will last 7years and 1.5M $OWCT will unlock every year starting September 5th, 2025 through September 5th, 2031.

The Blockchain Block rewards APY is set to 0% and Validators are paid from on Chain transaction fees. This means $OWCT is non-inflationary and will never have more than Twenty-One Million (21M) supply

Last updated